Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jason + Nicki + Addy

Best bud = Nicki

We've known each other since 1st Grade.

My husband, Marlin, and Nicki's husband, Jason, were best friends since they were 16.

We all met at the same time.

We got married a month apart.

And this is the 3rd year in a row (or is it 4?) that I've taken pictures of them and their little family for Christmas cards!  I think it's 4 years, actually.

I really had fun with this year's!  It was wintery-cold and festive.  We walked around down-town Lancaster and I got to snap away with my new 28mm!

side note: I *love* my 28mm.  It's the 1st and only lens I've invested in since buying my camera (Canon 60D) and I found it on Craigslist!  I don't think I've taken it off my camera since I bought it. And I was also quite pleased with the performance in the low light I was working with for these pictures!


Brandon's Senior Pics!

Seriously, I've never been so busy with photography jobs as I've been this past summer and fall!  I ended up doing 3 Senior portrait sessions for 3 different guys among all the other family portraits and weddings! Crazy.  But it was fun though. :)

These pics here are the Senior portraits I took for Brandon.  His dad works with my Hubs.  I had to take my little man along to this shoot as I had to leave for their place before my husband got home from work.  Tina (Brandon's mom), his girlfriend, and little sister babysat Jude while Brandon and I wandered around outside taking pictures.  Jude was such a good boy for them and had so much fun!  They are an awesome family :)


I loved the logs for a background!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jed + Crystal + Isaiah

This lovely family portrait session followed the Gartner's family pictures on the same day, same location!  Good stuff.

Meet my cousin Jed.  He is tall.
Meet Crystal.  She is so lovely.
Meet Isaiah.  He's a fun dude.

I think this was my first shoot with a kiddo this young (besides my own!) so it had its challenges :)  But again, patience is the key!

Here you go, enjoy!